Thank you Troop 32 for their help at our Wedgewood Sanctuary!

On Saturday, January 23rd, scouts from Troop 32 in Southington, parents and Land Trust members brought lumber salvaged from an old deck to our Wedgewood Sanctuary to build a bridge. The scouts had removed the deck as part of another service project. Over the course of 4 hours, on one of the coldest days of this winter, they cut, carried and assembled the bridge to span a segment of the nature trail that is usually flooded. In spite of the cold the group was in high spirits and did a fantastic job.

Boy Scout Troop 32
Boy Scout Troop 32

Then on  Sunday, February 21st, the scouts from Troop 32 braved another cold temperature day and deep snow to complete the bridge building project. The scouts, assisted by adult troop leaders, removed the deep snow from the uncompleted bridge section and the stored wood pile before beginning the cutting and assembling of the final 13 foot section. The completed bridge is 40 feet long and will make travel along the nature trail much easier through this particularly wet section of the sanctuary.

The Land Trust is grateful for the help and support of Troop 32 in completing this project!